How Can Silk Make a Difference to your Night’s Sleep?

How Can Silk Make a Difference to your Night’s Sleep?

Creating the perfect sleeping environment can dramatically improve your quality of sleep. When thinking about our sleeping space, we think about colours, designs, firmness of the pillow and thickne...
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The Journal

How Can Silk Make a Difference to your Night’s Sleep?

How Can Silk Make a Difference to your Night’s Sleep?


Creating the perfect sleeping environment can dramatically improve your quality of sleep. When thinking about our sleeping space, we think about colours, designs, firmness of the pillow and thickness of...

How Can Silk Make a Difference to your Night’s Sleep?


Creating the perfect sleeping environment can dramatically improve your quality of sleep. When thinking about our sleeping space, we think about colours, designs, firmness of the pillow and thickness of...

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Stress and Sleep

How does your state of mind affect sleep?


Over the last month, we’ve looked at several sleep affecting topics, such as feng shui, health and fitness, and beauty. This week, for our final sleep awareness feature, we’re going...

How does your state of mind affect sleep?


Over the last month, we’ve looked at several sleep affecting topics, such as feng shui, health and fitness, and beauty. This week, for our final sleep awareness feature, we’re going...

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Health, Fitness and Sleep

Does Health and Fitness Affect Sleep?


Last week we discussed the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui and how it affects your sleep; this week we tackle the subject of health and fitness, and whether the...

Does Health and Fitness Affect Sleep?


Last week we discussed the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui and how it affects your sleep; this week we tackle the subject of health and fitness, and whether the...

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How does silk help your skin and hair?

How does silk help your skin and hair?


Have you ever wondered how you can make your skin supple without using so many creams and ointments? Have you ever wondered how to stop your hair from becoming a...

How does silk help your skin and hair?


Have you ever wondered how you can make your skin supple without using so many creams and ointments? Have you ever wondered how to stop your hair from becoming a...

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